Quality Assurance

In addition to providing quality control and information for dosimetry, the Lara System provides quality assurance to help reduce the frequency of extravasations. Dramatic improvements can be accomplished within months.  

Ellexa Explorer software makes it easy to focus on patients. Bolus injections are automatically scored so that it is easy to see which cases might have injection issues. A histogram of the scores shows how often injections may or may not be ideal.

Ellexa has built-in advanced analytical tools to help identify factors that may lead to injection issues. These contributing factors can be used to guide quality improvements to reduce the extravasation rate.

To help ongoing monitoring, Ellexa automatically provides monthly reports for departments and individual technologists. With the monthly reports, you’ll know exactly how your team is performing!

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    Interested in learning more about The Lara® System?

    Contact us to learn more of how Lara can help clinicians perform dosimetry on extravasations.