Learning Resources

Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations: Interview with
Dr. David W. Townsend
Dr. David W. Townsend, co-inventor of the PET/CT scanner, discusses how extravasation affects standardized uptake values and treatment assessment and why extravasations often go undetected. Dr. Townsend believes that monitoring the quality of injection is as important as monitoring all other aspects of the imaging process. Watch full video here

Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations: Interview with
Dr. Marjan Boerma
Dr. Marjan Boerma, radiation biologist and professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, discusses radiation injury to tissue and why each individual responds differently to the same dose of radiation. She comments on a specific case in which the patient has received a severe injury to the tissue from radiation, explaining what exactly happened to the cells and what should be done for helping to heal the tissue. Dr. Boerma believes that the patients with large extravasations should be followed clinically since there is a high chance of long-term effects. Watch full video here

Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations: Interview with
Dr. Jackson Kiser
Dr. Jackson Kiser, Chief of Molecular Imaging Department at Carilion Clinic, explains why complete delivery of the radiopharmaceutical is so important not only for PET/CT studies but for all nuclear medicine procedures. He provides several specific examples from his practice of how extravasation can result in misinterpretation of medical images and affect patient care. Dr. Kiser also shares his opinion on why monitoring extravasations and clinically following extravasated patients will become even more important for the rapidly growing field of radiotherapeutics. Watch full video here

Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations: Hazards, Mitigation, and Prevention
A panel discussion focusing on how radiopharmaceutical extravasation affects the quality and quantification of nuclear medicine imaging studies. Watch full video here