Meet Margaret

I was having many concerning symptoms and conventional imaging wasn’t helpful to pinpoint it. PET-CT was ordered to screen for cancer. As I was researching PET-CT applications I came across information about extravasation of pharmaceuticals. Extravasation, I learned, can lead to non-diagnostic tests, which was something I wanted to avoid after already undergoing numerous examinations.

Determined to minimize the risk of unnecessary exposure to radiation and repeat imaging, I explored ways to monitor potential extravasation. This is how I discovered LARA. Reading about LARA’s technology filled me with a sense of relief and hope. When I engaged with the LARA team, they showed  expertise and dedication to patient advocacy. I knew that I wanted to incorporate the technology into my PET-CT test.

During the imaging procedure, having the LARA team present was reassuring. Their knowledge, responsiveness, and the presence of LARA during the test provided me with the peace of mind I needed, ensuring that my test would yield diagnostic results.

It is my sincere hope that healthcare institutions will integrate LARA into their PET-CT protocols. Such a step would guarantee that every patient receives the highest standard of care, just as I did.
