Instructions to send an email to the NRC

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  1. Open up a blank email in your normal email program.
  2. Address the email to
  3. Copy the following into the body of the email:

Public comment for Docket ID NRC–2022–0218

I support patient advocacy organizations and urge the NRC to reconsider extravasation rulemaking.

The NRC estimates 28,000 patients are extravasated with large doses of radiation every year. Rather than having providers report when they mishandle medical isotopes, NRC’s proposed rulemaking puts the burden on patients. This approach is not right. The burden should be on trained clinicians to identify and measure extravasations when they happen so harm can be mitigated immediately, and the extent of the extravasation understood.

It is disturbing that the NRC has put the interests of those they regulate above the radiation protection of patients. The NRC should not propose new patient-based reporting requirements. Rather, the NRC should require that providers treat an extravasation like any other medical event. Doing so will drive the providers to improve training of their employees, reduce extravasations, and increase radiation protection. That is the purpose of regulation.

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